Follow-up System

Integrated National Dashboard for Indicators

The dashboard is one of the key drivers for the successful implementation of the follow-up and monitoring system, as the dashboard links the key indicators of the Vision with the operational indicators of the sector and program indicators. These are followed up and evaluated regularly at different levels.

  • Assessing main results and impact

    Vision Indicators Dashboard
    - The national and international indicators of the vision
    - The main indicators of government entities (related to the roles of entities in achieving the vision)

  • Assessing the level of achievement in the efforts

    Vision Programs and Initiatives Dashboard
    - Following up the progress of initiatives and projects of the vision programs


Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit prepares

  • weekly
  • monthly
  • quarterly
  • annual

Reports to monitor the progress made in achieving the objectives of Oman Vision 2040, the national and international indicators and the challenges that may face the implementation. Some of these reports monitor local and international changes, and are updated on an annual basis to link the latest updates with Oman Vision directions. Other reports monitor the progress of Oman's ranking in the international indicators.

Escalation Mechanism of the Vision’s programs, initiatives and projects

The Unit has set a clear process to escalate any challenges faced by national programs, initiatives and projects at all stages and address them promptly at the regular meetings or platforms designated for this purpose. Initially, it seeks to address the challenge internally within the concerned entity, and then escalate it to higher levels to be resolved within a specific timeframe.

  • 4   His Majesty the Sultan
  • 3   The Council of Ministers
  • 2   Supervisory Committees for the National Programs and Initiatives
  • 1   Internal escalation through the Vision office at the entity to the head of the entity
  • Escalation Mechanism of the Vision’s programs, initiatives and projects

Vision Offices

To ensure the application of the best international practices in achieving national visions, the establishment of the Vision offices is one of the most important tools for the success of Oman Vision 2040. Vision Offices are responsible for following up and ensuring the implementation of various entities’ roles in achieving Vision 2040 objectives. These offices act as the link between government entities, Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit, and the relevant entities.
In order to activate the royal directives to establish offices for Oman Vision 2040 that directly report to the heads of government entities, the unit developed the organizational structure for the Vision Offices and identified their functions and working mechanisms. It also set the framework for knowledge transfer and the mechanisms for creating programs, developing their indicators, and following up on their implementation.

The most important roles of Vision Offices:

  • Ensure the quality of Vision related plans
  • Ensure the quality of the outcomes of development sessions related to the Vision
  • Performance management and reporting Vision related programs and initiatives
  • Support, resolve and escalate challenges facing the Vision initiatives and programs related to the vision
  • Enhance awareness of Oman Vision 2040 among the entity's staff
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